What: Art in the City – Summer Reception
When: May 27, 5 to 7 p.m.
Where: City Hall & Redding Library
Prepare for an evening that will be a sensory treat – fragrant floral displays, sweet sounds of music and eye-grabbing artwork – during the Summer Art Reception at the Redding City Hall, Thursday, May 27, 2010.
The public is invited to meet the artists whose work will be on display this summer at both Redding City Hall and the Redding Library. At the Redding Library artwork includes: oils by Malcolm Wilson and sculpture by Dan Ferrarese. At City Hall the display includes collage by Nadia Hava-Robbins, watercolor by Evelyn Mercer Ward, oils by Bruce Davidson, photography by Mike Eichwald, wood sculpture by Dennis Schroeder and mixed media by Enterprise High School and the group River Between Worlds.
On display for the night of the reception only: Shasta College Floriculture Alumni will present a unique display of floral art. Music for the evening will be provided by North State Songwriters.
The reception, hosted by the City of Redding Community Services Department, runs from 5 to 7 p.m., is free to the public and is part of the Art in Public Places program dedicated to creating community through people parks, and programs. City Hall is located at 777 Cypress Avenue and the Redding Library is at 1100 Parkview Avenue.