It’s Best in the West

A new poll has found that people in the Western United States tend to be happier and healthier than those in other regions.

The annual Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, based on interviews with more than 350,000 people nationwide, found that Western states typically score higher when residents were asked to rate jobs, health, finances, and the emotional state of their communities.

Hawaii was ranked the state with the happiest population (what’s not to like?), followed by Utah, Montana, Minnesota and Iowa. California ranked 20th. West Virginia came in last. To see Gallup’s full list and national map, click here.

San Jose scored best among large cities. Boulder, CO, scored highest among smaller cities. Redding was too small to be included in the rankings, but our end of California tended to rank middling to poor. USA Today, which loves these kinds of polls, has a nice story with interactive maps and stuff here.

  • Is climate change endangering Northern California’s redwoods? New research has found that fog along the north coast has decreased in the past few decades. The trees rely on the fog to help them conserve water during arid summer months. With less fog, they’re more susceptible to drought and disease. More here.
  • Registration ends Friday for the Young Entrepreneur Program competition, sponsored by the Small Business Development Center. Participants aged 14 to 27 will show off their “elevator pitch” skills and business plans in YEP’s April 15 competition. Details here.
  • What I’m Reading: “The Renegades,” a police thriller by the always entertaining T. Jefferson Parker. This one’s set in Antelope Valley and Los Angeles, and centers on the deaths of a drug lord’s cash couriers.
  • Rules for Successful Living #42: Hang up and drive.

sb-07-09A journalist since 1975, Steve Brewer is the author of 16 books, most recently the thriller “Cutthroat.” He moved to Redding from New Mexico in 2003.

Steve Brewer

is the author of CUTTHROAT and 17 other books. Read more of his columns at http://stevebrewer.blogspot.com/, or follow him on Facebook.

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