I’m a Lumberjack and I’m OK

Now that Sarah Palin has come and gone, and it’s safe to go outdoors again, I find myself strangely drawn to the exposition that sponsored her two speeches in Redding.

The annual Forest Products and Construction Equipment Exposition at the Redding Convention Center is a show full of big-boy toys and logging derring-do. The heavy equipment on display takes many of us back to our Tonka toy days. Pretty soon, grown men are making vroom-vroom noises.

The exposition, which begins Thursday and runs through Saturday, will include wildlife demonstrations, ax-throwing competitions and something called a “backhoe rodeo.” Admission is FREE.

For the schedule of events and other info, click here.

  • They Fired All the Copy Editors, Part XLIV: When you visit the website for the equipment expo, be sure to take note of the official poster. It says this year’s event will be the “sixtieth-first annual” expo.
  • Mark Your Calendars for Friday night, when Chico pianist Robert Bowman performs “For the Love of Beethoven” at Old City Hall in Redding. The 7:30 p.m. performance, sponsored by the Shasta County Arts Council, is FREE, but donations will be accepted.
  • Movies We’ve Seen: On a whim, we hit a bargain matinee of “From Paris With Love,” the new shoot-em-up with John Travolta. Boy, what a stinker. Lots of violence, but almost no plot. Popcorn was good.
  • Rules for Successful Living #37: If that French fry burns your fingers, popping it into your mouth is probably not the answer.

sb-07-09A journalist since 1975, Steve Brewer is the author of 16 books, most recently the thriller “Cutthroat.” He moved to Redding from New Mexico in 2003.

Steve Brewer

is the author of CUTTHROAT and 17 other books. Read more of his columns at http://stevebrewer.blogspot.com/, or follow him on Facebook.

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