In reply to Good Trouble. On a tangent, I have a small house in the mountains, firs, pines, near the fountain fire footprint. When that structure was built many many years ago, the forest was not supposed to burn as frequently as the foothill chaparral. Still, the insurance rates have gone sky high.
In reply to Good Trouble. Probably because they read it, or mis-read it like I did. As statements projected through an Indifferent Libertarian Lens, ignoring that these problems could have been avoided and now it is simply a fact of life for all of us. It doesn't help much either that I bought my home […]
In reply to ReddingSkeptic. I think it’s outrageously idiotic to build or buy houses in habitat that’s adapted to burn regularly, and then assume that others should mitigate your financial risk. I guess I’m turning conservative in my old age and thinking people should take responsibility for their choices.