‘Teach a Friend to Homebrew’ Day


What: The Shasta Society of Brewers and California Brewing Co. are Participating in a Worldwide Day Dedicated to Teaching Homebrewing

When: Nov. 7, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Where: California Brewing Co., 1101 Parkview Ave.

Nov. 7, 2009, is the American Homebrewers Association’s 11th Annual Teach a Friend to Homebrew Day, and the Shasta Society of Brewers along with California Brewing Company are participating in this year’s celebration.

Teach a Friend to Homebrew Day is an international event celebrated each year on the first Saturday in November with the goal of introducing people to the homebrewing hobby and establishing relationships with local homebrew supply shops and homebrew clubs. California Brewing Company is happy to invite anyone who is interested in learning how to homebrew to stop by the site from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 7.

Call 530-243-BEER (2337) or email Shastasob@sbcglobal.net for more information. There will be fun for the kids too!

In 2008, over 2,100 participants brewed approximately 2,800 gallons on Teach a Friend to Homebrew Day at 140 sites worldwide (including sites in Canada, Kenya, Denmark, and 40 states in the United States). This year, AHA expects even greater participation.

“One of the great things about homebrewers is they are happy to share their knowledge and to pass on the joy that they find in homebrewing to others,” states Gary Glass, the director for AHA, “that’s really what Teach a Friend To Homebrew Day is all about.”

Homebrewing is a hobby that is increasing in popularity and something that almost anyone 21 years and older can enjoy. Homebrewing is a rewarding but easy hobby – anyone who has a kitchen can do it. The equipment and ingredients needed are less expensive than most people think.

For information on how to participate in this year’s Teach a Friend to Homebrew Day event and to view the registered sites, visit www.beertown.org/events/teach/index.html.