The governor has signed a temporary ban on suction dredging, leaving gold-hunters with only traditional methods such as panning.
Each year, nearly 3,500 permits are issued to people who use gasoline-powered dredges to seek gold in California’s streams and rivers. But environmentalists and the Karuk tribe have worked to stop the dredging, which they say harms salmon.
The ban will be in force while an environmental review is done.
For the full story, click here.
- Part of the summertime Redding uniform is the cargo short, which I’ve always avoided because I figured all those pockets would only make my butt look bigger. But I finally got some the other day, and discovered the real danger: Extra pockets can turn a man into a Walking Purse. Because our clothing tends to come with more pockets, we men are accustomed to our wives saying, “Here, can you carry the phone, etc.? I don’t want to take my purse.” The unlimited pocketude provided by cargo pants is just asking for it.
- Aug. 9-15 is National Health Center Week, recognizing more than 1,200 community health centers nationwide, including several here in Shasta County. Health centers around the county plan various fundraising and awareness-building activities during the week. Check with your nearest health center for details or call the Shasta Consortium of Community Health Centers at 351-5362.
- Redding weather is supposed to warm up through the weekend, but wasn’t this passing low-pressure system a blessing? We even got a sprinkle of rain at our house, and I stood out in it with my face turned up to the clouds like a duck.
- Of course, the Thermostat Wars continue. On the coolest night of the summer, my electricity-conserving-fanatic spouse suddenly decided to turn the temperature way down because we might sleep better if it were colder. I awoke at 3 a.m. with an icicle jutting from my nose.
- The DVD of the movie made from my novel Lonely Street debuts on Tuesday, and some nice reviews have begun popping up around the Interwebs. To read one, click here.
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