This is the last of a 3-part series – an interview by Skip Murphy of Redding of accomplished musician Bruce Turgon of After Hours Recorders in Redding …
Click here for Part 1
Click here for Part 2
I know you have a project coming out later this year on a European label, Frontiers. I understand it’s a follow up to your solo album, Outside Looking In.
I’ve heard a little of the music, which I would describe as extremely powerful, and very much in the footsteps of your work with Foreigner. What can you tell us about Places of Power?
Yes, Places Of Power (Now Is The Hour) (was) released worldwide 1/23/09. It’s a collaboration between myself and another solo artist on the label (Frontiers Records), Philip Bardowell. In ‘05 and ‘06, we both released solo albums to considerable acclaim, and based on that success, the president of the label asked if we would do a project together. Hence, Places Of Power. It is a very technology-aware undertaking, in that it was developed from inception to completion, totally over the Internet. I produced the album and played (with the exception of some lead guitar) and recorded everything here at After Hours, and would send Philip MP3 audio files (in LA) of my writing and performances. He would add his lyrical and vocal ideas and send it back. We worked back and forth in this manner until the songs were complete. Then I finished all the final arrangements and recordings. The only time we were ever in the same studio was when I went to LA to record his final lead vocals, and we sang the background vocals together. I then assembled the album (13 songs) and sent it to our mastering engineer in Germany. This is very valuable, as he provided not only his expertise, but a fresh set of ears and perspective, which is very important. The artwork was done in Sweden and the label is located in Italy. All different Places Of Power coming together in one project…
I should point out that you and I met when Craig Padilla asked you to help with the mastering process on our latest collaboration release on the Groove Unlimited label, Analog Destination.
I must confess, I learned more about music recording and mastering by watching and listening to you for a few hours, than I had in years of work in our home based studio. I just want to say thanks.
Absolutely my pleasure, Skip, and very happy to see the positive reviews for your work!
Seen above, Craig Padilla warms up under Bruce’s Gold Records
I am so impressed with your multi instrumental musical talent, and your ability to compose and record such powerful music for all those different situations. Plus the fact that you stay so well versed on the very latest music technology. It’s just phenomenal to have you in Redding, and even better to find you to be such a down-to-earth individual. I am very happy to have met you, and want wish you many years of success with After Hours Recorders.
Well, thank you for the kind words, Skip; I appreciate it and look forward to our next opportunity to get together again. And all the best to all musicians in Redding, from Bruce at After Hours.
All music presented here with permission from the artists.
When Skip Murphy is not making electronic music, he can be found working alongside his daughter Erin, as the Peak Performer agent team at Coldwell Banker C&C