I thought roosters crowed at sunrise. In the next neighborhood, beyond our high back wall, someone recently acquired a rooster that crows at sunrise, midday, late afternoon, anytime he feels like it. We can’t hear him inside our house, but anytime we’re outdoors, it’s cock-a-freakin-doo. Maybe he’s a confused rooster, or his biological clock is broken. Maybe he’s just got a lot to crow about.
- Confused Rooster would be a very good name for a bluegrass band.
- Don’t know if anyone else noticed, but the op-ed piece in yesterday’s NY Times, headlined “Cocaine and White Teens,” was written by Charles M. Blow.
- They Fired All the Copy Editors, Part VI: An observant reader notes that the weather page in Saturday’s local paper had several forecasts for “Morning, then mostly sunny.” Says the reader: “Good to know that we are going to have mornings this week. I was greatly afeared we wuz droppin’ right straight to afternoons!” Har.
- Lots of attention’s been paid to Sean Penn’s wonderful acting in “Milk,” but there’s also an Oscar-winning documentary about the life of San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk, and it’s showing for free Jan. 22 at Shasta College. “The Times of Harvey Milk” will be screened at 6 p.m. in Room 802 on the main campus. You can get more information in the “News & Events” section on the Shasta College website after you click here. Bookmark that website. Always stuff going on out at the college.
- DVD Watched on the Treadmill: “Smokin’ Aces,” starring Jeremy Piven, Ryan Reynolds, Ray Liotta, Alicia Keys, Andy Garcia and a cast of thousands (of bullets). Completely preposterous movie about assassins trying to bump off a Vegas magician before he testifies about the mob. High body count, special effects, hugely loud. Just the sort of thing I like to watch while sweating over the Dreadmill.
- Speaking of Counting Crows (the band), I once was at a party with a woman from North Carolina who drawled: “That music makes me want to kill myself.” We got her another drink and some Jerry Lee Lewis, and she calmed right down, though later she became a lawyer.