Cathy Darling Allen, Shasta County Clerk and Registrar of Voters wants to inform the public about an issue involving voters receiving the wrong ballot type.
It was brought to the attention of the Elections office that less than 300 voters received the wrong ballot type for the November 8, 2022, General Election. This error is due to updates that were completed after the Primary when we received redistricting data from the Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Community College District. The effected streets were inadvertently assigned to the wrong precinct.
The attached map includes the streets affected by this error. The affected voters live in portions of Ridgeview and Whitehawk subdivisions, located off Placer Street in west Redding.
New ballots and voter information guides are being mailed to all affected voters. The previous ballots have been cancelled.
If you have an incorrect ballot, we ask you to please destroy it or write “SPOILED” on the ballot and return it to the Elections office located at 1643 Market St., in downtown Redding.
We apologize for this error. If you have questions or are unsure if you received the right ballot, please contact us at 530-225-5730.