Free Mammogram Screening August 26-29

mobile mammography bus

Nor-Cal Think Pink will bring a mobile mammography bus to four rural communities offering free screenings to the underinsured/uninsured on the following dates:

August 26th: Modoc County Public Health in Alturas
August 27th: Tri Counties Bank in Fall River Mills
August 28th: Shingletown Medical Center in Shingletown
August 29th: Holiday Market in Chester

Free mammogram screening will be provided for women age 40 years old and over
who have not had a mammogram within the past twelve months. Walk-ups are
welcomed; however, women are strongly encouraged to reserve an appointment online at or by calling 1-877-4AN-EXAM.
The mobile mammography service is funded by Nor-Cal Think Pink’s annual fundraiser, the Pretty in Pink Prom and the following sponsors; Seneca Hospital District, Shingletown Medical Center, Sierra Pacific Industries, and Tri Counties Bank.

Nor-Cal Think Pink has expanded its mission from breast cancer awareness to a handson approach with a focus on the underserved, rural communities throughout the North State. According to the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) in 2016, only 18% of women 40 years and older in the combined region of Del Norte, Siskiyou, Lassen, Trinity, Modoc, Plumas, and Sierra counties received a mammogram within the past two years. This is mostly attributed to the long travel distance to the nearest imaging clinic and lack of insurance. In 2018, Nor-Cal Think Pink fully funded its first free mammogram screening event in Fall River Mills screening thirty women who would otherwise have to drive 1.5 hours to Redding for a mammogram.

Press Release

-from press release