On September 21, 2017, Devin Sutton-Wilson, Isaiah Williams and Brooklyn Hill were arrested for the murder of Joshua Ahlberg at 1268 Heavenly Oak Lane #1. All three suspects are still in custody awaiting trial.
Investigators have continued to gather further information regarding this case. Investigators learned that the mother of Brooklyn Hill, 38 year old Tara Lecznar, had been in contact with Devin Sutton-Wilson. He directed Lecsnar to Hill’s residence on Willis Street to retrieve a pistol he believed was still in the house. Lecsnar went to the residence and entered, only to discover that Investigators had already located the gun. It is suspected that the gun was used in the murder of Ahlberg.
On October 4, 2017, Investigators arrested Leczar at the Shasta County Jail when she arrived for visitation with her daughter. She was subsequently interviewed and admitted she had gone to the Willis Street residence to retrieve the weapon. She was booked into the Shasta County Jail for accessory to murder.