In reply to R.V. Scheide Jr.. The true point of discussion is simply that hydroelectric dams are subject to the same erosive forces that have cut and formed the ecosystems, waterways, wet lands, and canyonlands that might be found upstream. Of special consideration are issues of sedimentary particulates and turbidity - which can dramatically erode […]
In reply to Tuck Frump. I believe it was in the 1980s when Shasta Dam came within 5 feet of being overtopped. Very scary they waited too long to start letting water out. I believe they’re erred on the side of caution since then.
In reply to R.V. Scheide Jr.. Excuse the feeble play on words. Most likely lots of the reported 6 million in Shasta County flood damage is not directly from the Shasta Dam release that PIG is boasting about, and, I have seen the river higher. That said, PIG and his QAnon Circus Clowns are idiots […]