From the FWIW Dept: The above pic of Winn Carpenter and Terry Rapoza… …buddied up at an SOJ rally… Fully deserves the subtitle: ”What kind of American doesn’t like fried bologna sandwiches?”
In many rural areas, the same truck picks up material from both cans at the same time. Having separate cans for garbage and recyclables complies with government regulations, and gives recycling zealots a way to feel good, but in rural areas they might not like to pay the increased cost of having two trucks, two […]
Recycling can play a major role in waste management. It has for decades, but today's recycling is a complete boondoggle. In 1950, there were waxed paper milk cartons, but often milk was delivered to ones doorstep, in glass bottles, that on the next delivery day were left on the porch, cleaned and refilled. There were […]