Homicide Investigation on Westward Ho Road, Shingletown

police tape morguefile
On Wednesday, 4/19/17 at 1402 hours, deputies with the Shasta County Sheriff’s Office were dispatched to 34610 Westward Ho Road, Shingletown for a reported stabbing. Upon their arrival they located a subject identified as 19 year old Skyler Poland who is a resident of the location. Also located was a deceased adult male, identified as Joseph Maddox and an injured adult female identified as Judith Maddox, Skyler Poland’s grandparents. Joseph Maddox was pronounced dead at the scene from undetermined injuries. Judith Maddox had an injury to her head that resulted in extensive bleeding. She was airlifted to Mercy hospital for treatment where she is in stable condition at this time.
Skyler Poland was detained and interviewed by detectives with the Shasta County Sheriff’s Office Major Crimes Unit. Skyler Poland was ultimately arrested for the murder of Joseph Maddox and attempted murder of Judith Maddox. Details of Skyler Poland’s statement to detectives will not be released.
Detectives are currently on scene at Westward Ho Road conducting an evidentiary search. If anybody has information pertaining to this investigation, please contact the Sheriff’s Office Major Crimes Unit at 530-245-6135 or at mcu@co.shasta.ca.us

Press Release

-from press release