Description: Ata Manasra is the coordinator of the Wadi Foquin (Narjes) Community Development Project established through a partnership with the United Methodist Church established in 2009. This special presentation will provide an opportunity to learn about the issues faced by the people of Palestine and the efforts by village leaders and faith communities to continue to affirm life while living under an occupation. Wadi Foquin is a small agricultural village in the West Bank of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The future of the village is under threat. In June 2014 land confiscation orders were issued in the West Bank claiming1000 acres as state land for Israel. A significant portion of that land belongs to Wadi Foquin. In June 2015, 1300 fruit trees were demolished in the village by bulldozers accompanied by military personnel. Later in the year, orders were issued to stop construction of a soccer field being built for the children and youth of the village.
Location: First United Methodist Church 1825 East St. Redding 96001
When: Tuesday August 9, 2016 6:30pm – 8pm
Sponsored by: First United Church of Redding, First United Church of Buena Vista, and Friends of Wadi Foquin.