Writing for Children: Anyone Can Do It, Right?


What: Writing for Children: Anyone Can Do It, Right?

When:  Saturday, March 12  10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. (1/2-hour lunch break at noon)

Where: All Saints Episcopal Church 2150 Benton Drive, Redding, CA

This special four-hour presentation offers an accomplished panel of speakers representing various sub-genres in children’s literature. They will share experiences and advice from their journeys as authors and illustrators. Discussion will include what differentiates children’s literature from other genres; tips on pursuing a career in the industry; and an introduction to the premiere organization of the children’s book world, The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI). The event will include audience participation as attendees are divided into groups to practice writing a query letter to an editor or agent, how to deliver an elevator pitch, or how to write a clear synopsis. Each group will be moderated by one of the panelists. Presenters are Jessica Taylor, Elizabeth Stevens Omlor, Ellen Jellison, Cynthia Saye Kremsner, and Linda Boyden.

To cover speaker expenses, there will be a minimal charge of $10 for members and $15 for nonmembers. The customary refreshment table will be available; however, attendees are welcome to bring a brown bag lunch if they desire. Pre-registration is not required. Attendees may pay at the door. The event takes place at All Saints Episcopal Church, 2150 Benton Drive, Redding, CA 96003. For further details, contact writersforumprogramchair@gmail.com or visit www.reddingwritersforum.com

Press Release

-from press release