Point-in-Time Homeless Count to Take Place in Shasta County


The Shasta County Continuum of Care is coordinating a federally mandated Point-in-Time (PIT) homeless count on Tuesday, January 26, 2016.  The PIT homeless count is an annual event when local volunteers and social service agencies gather a one-day snapshot of information on homeless populations, whether they are sheltered or unsheltered. Results of the count provide the community with vital information to use in obtaining funding to support programs for the homeless in the county.

“This year we are bringing more structure to our count and doubling the number of volunteers to blanket the entire county,” said Ellen Pfeiffer, PIT Chairwoman. To volunteer for the PIT count on January 26, go to . All volunteers will be trained on helping with the survey. For more information or questions about volunteering, contact Ann Corrin at ann007@earthlink.net.

Ellen Pfeiffer, PIT Chairwoman, comments, “We are calling on our community to help us reach out to this vulnerable population by contacting us as to where homeless encampments exist.” Please contact Terri Saulmon at 530-410-3901 with the locations.

  •  When is the 2016 PIT count? The PIT count will take place from midnight on January 25 to midnight on January 26. We count people based on where they are/were at 12:01 AM on January 26.
  • Who can volunteer? Anyone who would like to alleviate homelessness! College students, civic/non-profit organizations, service providers, service groups, faith based groups, businesses, formerly homeless, veterans, etc.
  • Who do we count? The persons counted and surveyed will fall within the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) definition of literally homeless. The surveys include questions regarding general demographic information, current housing, military background, including behavioral issues, such as mental health, drug and alcohol use and developmental disabilities. Sheltered: Those adults and families staying in Emergency Shelters and Transitional Housing. Unsheltered People found staying in places not meant for human habitation (car, park, abandoned buildings, street, camps, etc.). We will also be counting at our service provider locations where persons who are homeless may be located (health clinics, food banks, hospitals, library, parks, etc.).
  • Who defines “literally homeless”? HUD defines “literally homeless” as individuals or family who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, such as:
    •  Has a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not meant for human habitation;
    •  Is living in a publicly or privately operated shelter designated to provide temporary living arrangements (including congregate shelters, transitional housing, and hotels and motels paid for by charitable organizations or by federal, state and local government programs); or
    •  Is exiting an institution where (s)he has resided for 90 days or less and who resided in an emergency shelter or place not meant for human habitation immediately before entering that institution
  • How will we use the data? The Count can significantly increase our community’s ability to understand and take action toward addressing homelessness by: ? Determining the number and characteristics of our homeless population; ? Assessing the adequacy of emergency, transitional and permanent housing needed; ? Adjusting services and programs to appropriately address current local needs; and ? Helping raise public awareness of the realities of our homeless, our challenges and our successes
  • How are we improving and accomplishing our goal for 2016? This year’s planning process is in compliance with the 2014 HUD issued Point-In-Time Count Methodology Guide. HUD’s priority, and ours, is the quality and accuracy of the count.

Press Release

-from press release

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