Bill Siemer grew up on a farm in Lassen County, played basketball at Shasta JC, went to Vietnam, became a newspaper reporter and then a lawyer and now considers himself a champion of the story that needs to be told. He lives on the bank of the river and takes pictures.
What can we do other than attend the meetings?. At this point as a Jewish Shasta county citizen, I'm actually kind of scared to go. But I'm happy to call the State Attorney's office or whatever authority you think we should and I would urge everyone to do so and ask them what they are […]
In reply to Dale. FYI, one who idolizes a 5-time draft dodger, a former liberal Democrat in 80"s, a lifetime ethically and bankrupt human being, Who also, according to recently filed documents released by the Judg, the physical and eyewitness evidence obtained by Trump's Republican Staff, includes Chief of Staff Mark Meadow, Not only did […]