August 4, 2015 is National Night Out

porch light Morguefile

The Redding Police Department, along with representatives of city government and the neighborhoods in Redding, are preparing for this year’s National Night Out celebration. The event will be held on Tuesday, August 4th in numerous neighborhoods around our city and usually lasts from 6:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.

This is the 31st anniversary for National Night Out and the 27th year the Redding Police Department has participated. Last year approximately 37 million people in 16,000 communities around the world celebrated National Night Out. Here in Redding, numerous block parties were organized. All citizens are encouraged to lock their doors, turn on outside lights, and join their neighbors outdoors.

The evening is designed to:

  • Heighten crime and drug abuse awareness

  • Generate support and participation in local anti-crime efforts

  • Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police/community relations

  • Send a message to criminals letting them know neighborhoods are organized and fighting back

City Council Members, department heads, fire fighters, and police officers will be visiting block parties throughout the evening. There will be barbecues, ice cream socials, and potlucks planned by various block groups.

More information about National Night Out can be found at: http://www.natw.org/about-nno

Redding residents who would like to plan a neighborhood block party and would like law enforcement and city management to attend, should contact C.S.O. Barb Crumrine at 225-4228.

Press Release

-from press release

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