Shasta Early Literacy Partnership Presents Take 10 & Do It Again

Shasta Early Literacy Partnership (SELP) will present Take 10 & Do It Again taking place at multiple locations on Friday, March 20, 2015.

SELP is proud to bring the Take 10 event to Shasta County for the 11th time. The semi-annual event features story times for children with “celebrity” volunteer readers throughout the county. Over 40 classrooms, daycare centers, parks, and community venues will participate this spring. All children in attendance will receive a new book, generously provided by First 5 Shasta and the Howard Scripps Foundation.

Take 10 & Do It Again began as a grass-roots effort to highlight the importance of reading aloud to children at least 20 minutes each day. Reading aloud is an essential pre-literacy activity that stimulates brain development, strengthens the bond between child and caregiver and improves the child’s chances for success in school and in life.

Parents and children 0-5 are welcome to participate at one of the following public locations:
Shasta Community Health Center, 1035 Placer St., Redding (10am)
Kids Kingdom Picnic Pavilion, 4300 Victor Av., Redding (10am)
Redding Public Library, 1100 Parkview Av., Redding (10:30am)
Anderson Public Library, 3200 West Center St., Anderson (10am)

The Shasta Early Literacy Partnership began in 2009 to foster community-wide engagement in early childhood literacy. The collaborative group was recently awarded a three-year grant from First 5 Shasta to support SELP’s efforts. Understanding the far-reaching effects of reading aloud, SELP seeks to build a community where all children have access to books and all caregivers are committed to daily reading with their children.

– Press Release

Press Release

-from press release