Court Facilities Working Group Invites Public Comment on Courthouse Projects

The new Redding Courthouse plan has drawn concern for a stand of old growth trees

The Court Facilities Working Group, which provides oversight of the entire judicial branch facilities program, invites members of the public to comment on facilities projects at the working group’s next meeting, October 19–20, 2011. The working group will discuss the future direction of the courthouse construction program and consider options for moving forward with the 41 courthouse projects planned with funding from Senate Bill 1407.

“We recognize that significant funding reductions to the judicial branch will likely impact the branch’s courthouse construction program,” said Administrative Presiding Justice Brad R. Hill of the Court of Appeal, Fifth Appellate District, who chairs the working group. “The working group must act quickly to make recommendations to the Judicial Council. It’s an enormous job, and we need to gather as much input as possible in a short amount of time. These projects have a significant impact not only in the 34 counties in which they would be located but statewide. We believe the public should have a voice on their future direction, whether they support or oppose a particular project or have other comments they wish the working group to hear.”

The working group has been directed to provide recommendations to the Judicial Council on the facilities projects as soon as possible after the October meeting, with the intent that the council could consider those recommendations by the end of the calendar year. The working group is opening up public comment on any aspect of the judicial branch facilities program.

The working group prefers written comments but will accommodate in-person comments as well. Comments may be e-mailed to occmcomments@jud.ca.gov or mailed or delivered to:

Administrative Office of the Courts
Attn: Comments to Court Facilities Working Group
455 Golden Gate Ave., 8th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102

Comments received by 1 p.m. on October 18, 2011, will be distributed to working group members at the meeting. The same e-mail address and postal address will remain open to the public at any time to comment on the facilities program or the work of the working group.

In-person comments can be made during the first hour of the working group’s meeting on October 19, 2011, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., which will be reserved for public comment. The meeting will be held in the Malcolm M. Lucas Boardroom on the third floor of the Hiram W. Johnson State Building, 455 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco.

Speakers will be limited to 3 to 5 minutes, depending on the volume of requests, and scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. To reserve time to speak, please send your request by e-mail to occmcomments@jud.ca.gov or mail or deliver your request to:

Administrative Office of the Courts,
Attn: Comments to Court Facilities Working Group
455 Golden Gate Ave., 8th Floor,
San Francisco, CA 94102.

    Please state:

  • The speaker’s name, occupation, and (if applicable) name of the entity that the speaker represents;
  • The speaker’s email address, telephone number, and mailing address; and
  • The courthouse project to be commented on, or the nature of the speaker’s interest in the SB 1407 program.

Those wishing to comment may also sign up at the beginning of the meeting, but time for public comment will be limited and allocated based on the number of requests to speak. After the comment period ends, the meeting will be closed to the public.

-from press release
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Press Release

-from press release

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