Kids’ Plates Protect Redding-area Youngsters Post-Crash


From Mercy Medical Center Redding Press Release:

REDDING, Calif. – Mercy Medical Center Redding (MMCR) has received two grants from the Kids’ Plates program, which is administered by the California Department of Public Health. The intent of the grants is to prevent unintentional childhood injury by providing children with bicycle and multi-sport safety helmets; as well as provide parents with child passenger safety seats. MMCR received 60 helmets and 54 child passenger safety seats to be distributed through its Emergency Department (ED).

As the area’s designated trauma center, MMCR’s ED cares for more than 700 patients a year who seek services due to unintentional injuries. Now, thanks to the Kids’ Plates program, if an unintentional injury involves a child passenger safety seat or helmet, Mercy can replace it.

“People might not realize that car seats and helmets are designed to withstand the force of only one accident. Consequently, they must be replaced and are not intended to be reused,” said MMCR’s Trauma Coordinator Linda Henrich, who administers the program. “This grant will enable MMCR to provide proper protection to children before they leave the hospital.”

Kids’ Plates is funded with proceeds from sales of vehicle license plates that feature a heart, a star, a hand or a plus sign. These California vehicle specialty license plates generate funds for child injury and abuse prevention, and childcare health and safety programs. MMCR was one 20 organizations selected to receive funding during this granting cycle and one of two organizations to receive grants for both child passenger safety seats and bicycle/multi-sport helmets.

As part of the grant, Henrich received training on the proper installation of car seats and proper fitting of bicycle helmets. “The number of injured children due to improperly fitting helmets and car seats is alarming,” she said. Before leaving the hospital, Henrich will educate the parent(s) on the proper installation of car seats and ensure a bicycle helmet fits correctly.

MMCR is collaborating with the Shasta County Injury Prevention Coalition to conduct proper car seat safety checks throughout Shasta County. Currently, limited appointments are available and can be scheduled by contacting Henrich at 530-225-7242.

A limited number of bicycle helmets will also be distributed during bicycle safety rodeos. The Lassen View Elementary School Bike Rodeo will take place on May 26, 2010. The Whitmore Elementary School Bike Rodeo is scheduled for the end of May.

Press Release

-from press release