What: Oaksong Music Society presents Jim Hurst
When: Feb. 20, 8 p.m. doors open at 7:30 p.m.
Cost: $15
Available from
Bernie’s Guitar 223-2040
3086 Bechelli Lane, Redding, CA
International Bluegrass Music Association’s Guitar Player of the Year 2001 & 2002. Nominated every year since 2000.
“Jim Hurst has an attractive vocal delivery with his songs… but it has to take a back seat to his incredible flat-picking guitar work.” – Country Music News
“He always mines a deep grove and heats things up to a rolling boil. Combining strong country and bluegrass roots, subtle invention, and a big beautiful sound. Jim’s music is consistently fresh and friendly.” – Tim O’Brien
The Oaksong Music Society is a proud auxiliary of the Shasta County Arts Council.