“Narnia” is a musical adaptation of the classic story “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” by C.S. Lewis. When Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy go through the wardrobe and arrive in Narnia, they encounter the White Witch, Aslan, Tumnus, and Mr. and Mrs. Beaver. Lessons are learned and bravery is tested.
Redding School of the Arts is a charter school that emphasizes visual and performing arts. RSA students begin their music studies in kindergarten with daily instruction on instruments and voice.
Beginning in 5th grade, students can begin choir and participate in the spring musical. RSA prepares students for presenting high-quality musical performances.
Thank you for helping us highlight our school’s performance and allowing the students of Redding School of the Arts to share their talents, hard work and passion for the arts!
On Saturday, Jan. 17, at 11 a.m., RSA students will showcase some of the songs and dances “Narnia” at Barnes & Noble Booksellers on Churn Creek Road during the morning story hour.
Feb. 6 and 7
David Marr Auditorium
Shasta Learning Center
2200 Eureka Way
Redding, CA
Performance dates:
Feb. 6: 7 p.m.
Feb. 7: 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Adults $7
Children 12 and younger $5
Seniors 55+ $5
Available at:
Bernie’s Guitar
RSA School Office (2200 Eureka Way)
Front door of performances