Roadside attractions are just about as much Americana as you can find. These days, with traffic flying by on the interstate, there’s barely enough time to glimpse, say, a Giant Orange café. Without an option for lazy, meandering travel at human speed, the curious sojourner doesn’t stop and seek out the odd things one finds in a small community. Things that are not a franchise, and things that are definitely not a big box store.
Bucking that trend, Redding now has its own new and unique roadside attraction, The Bug Emporium. Sure, it’s on Hartnell Avenue, not Interstate 5, but when you think about it, where else should it be?
The Bug Emporium and museum is run by Rynee Hereford, who has been empress of the entomological emporia for about a month.
Inside, you’ll find bug displays of all sorts, live bugs, and even a snake named Larry. Yes, Larry King Snake.
And while it may seem kind of risky to keep a snake among your insect inventory, with Rynee’s help, they all get along. “Why can’t we all just get along?” you may ask. Well, we might all get along better mounted on pins inside glassy display cases. Or perhaps encased forever in blocks of polished polymer, like a tarantula. Here, even amber-covered termite colonies beckon you to open your wallet. And who among us can pass up a well-made bug-catching kit?
This is no big box store; in fact, it’s pretty darn tiny box store. Despite the diminutive size of the Emporium and Museum, once inside, our childlike wonder rivals that of Turtle Bay on any number of levels.
Of course there is bug jewelry, bugs, bug décor, bugs, bug toys, bugs, and other critters. I did mention bugs, didn’t I? Of course, kids eat this stuff up, but don’t let them eat bugs.
Rynee is happy to show it all to you with enthusiasm and insider bug info you may find handy. She showed me a beetle with retractable antennae, kind of like a car. And there’s a scorpion glowing eerily under a black light. Do you know what it eats? Rynee does.
You can find the Bug Emporium just east of Churn Creek Road on the north side of Hartnell (across from Harbor Freight, if you’re a guy), underneath the giant red “Liquor” sign. It’s also easily identifiable by the giant black spider on the roof, named Wendy the Widow.
Open 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and on Friday “sometimes.” Or call ahead at (530) 945-2604.
Step in and experience the true roadside attraction experience. Stuff like this is way too rare these days; amazing wonders that uniquely define a town along the road of life.
Skip Murphy and his daughter Erin are Realtors with Coldwell Banker in Redding, helping people buy and sell real estate.