Air Travelers Get Some R-E-S-P-E-C-T

If you’ve been caught off guard when you checked in for your flight only to find the airline charges a $25 baggage fee, you weren’t alone. That airfare to New York for $199 you found on the Internet sounds too… Continue Reading


A Cheap Broad’s Travel Tips: A Slightly Snarky Guide to Guidebooks

“What’s a good guidebook?” or “What guidebook do you use?” After 30-some-odd years of traveling, both by myself and with others, there isn’t any one guidebook that will suit every person’s needs. Make a trip to the bookstore and head… Continue Reading


Red Rabbit Leaps into Conversations about New Sac Airport Terminal

Meet the red rabbit. This 56-foot-long aluminum sculpture by Denver artist Lawrence Argent is a centerpiece of the Sacramento airport’s new $1 billion terminal, which opened Oct. 6. According to the Associated Press, its looming presence has already inspired the… Continue Reading