Parents, Graduation Is No Time for Teen Drinking

Graduation is a time of celebration. Many Shasta County teens mark this important life event with fun-filled, well-attended Sober Graduation parties. However, it may be difficult for parents to stay firm against allowing alcohol at parties in their homes or… Continue Reading

The Day to Talk to Your Teen About Alcohol – and How

Many parents are uncomfortable talking to their teens about alcohol, but it is a necessary conversation. In Shasta County on average, one teen a week visits an emergency room for an alcohol-related reason.

Across the nation, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and … Continue Reading

Redding Veteran, Mother Finalists for Prestigious Medal

Two Redding residents are among 20 finalists nationwide for Citizen Service Before Self Honors, a congressional medal called the most prestigious civilian award in America.

Fred Salanti, founder of the Missing in America Project, and Debbie Allen, who has influenced state legislation and educated hundreds of children about the dangers of alcohol, were … Continue Reading


Daughter’s Death Creates Mother’s Mission

If Debbie Allen weren’t just an ordinary, flesh-and-blood mother, but one with magical powers, she could draw upon every ounce of her super-mother strength and roll back the clock two years – to before December 20, 2008. Once there, Allen could move heaven and earth to save… Continue Reading