Postcards from Egypt: Part 2 – Generosity is a National Trait

There is only one thing Egyptians have more of than patience, and that is their generosity. I have never met a more giving and sharing people in all my life. As said earlier in Part 1, where I quoted Al-Hajjaj ibn… Continue Reading


Postcards from Egypt: Salah ad-Din’s Castle

The night I arrived in Cairo it was after dark and we were in the taxi ride from hell, however I did open my eyes long enough for my soon-to-be husband to point out a huge castle as we drove… Continue Reading


Postcards From Egypt:
Surviving Travel – Part 2

So any given day in Egypt you’ll likely see a mix of animals (wild dogs in packs, herds of sheep and goats, the occasional donkey, buffalo or camel), motorcycles, taxi’s, micro buses, private cars and then industrial and city vehicles,… Continue Reading


Surviving Travel Inside Egypt – Part 1

Most people are afraid of flying. When I was young I was never afraid of flying. It was so exciting; the sound of the engines, the rush of the night as you sped to the morning -feeling like you were fast forwarding through time. Then as I grew older and started watching the news and listening to people talk, I came to the realization that… Continue Reading