Unofficial Recall Election Update: Dedicated Supervisor Leonard Moty is Out; Novice Challenger Tim Garman is Likely Winner

3 p.m. Feb. 4: Today Shasta County clerk/registrar of voters Cathy Darling Allen reported that all but 121 ballots of the previously uncounted 1,975 ballots have been tallied. Although Darling Allen emphasized that neither she nor her office are ready… Continue Reading


County Clerk Candidate Hunt: ‘No Funny Business’

The next four years will be the most critical in our nation’s history since its inception. The County Clerk’s role is primarily as supervisor of elections, though there are other responsibilities, such as issuing marriage licenses and fictitious business names.

The current County Clerk was anointed by her predecessor Ann Reed and has never faced a competitive election. She is a career bureaucrat. But I view the position as the public’s watchdog … Continue Reading