Winners: Carlton, Morgan, Baugh, Darling, Regnell …

113 of 113 precincts reporting. Registered voters: 95,279; Ballots cast 36,483; Voter turnout 38.28 percent. Results are as follows: Shasta County District Attorney Race: Steve Carlton 58.33 percent “Jerry” Benito 41.41 percent Shasta County Auditor: Connie Regnell 55.40 percent Randal Faulkner… Continue Reading


Sunday Funny: Meet the Candidates!

Never trust a cartoonist. Read what candidates in the 2010 primary election* have to say for themselves: Click these links for statements from Shasta County District Attorney candidates Steve Carlton and Jerry Benito, and Shasta County Clerk candidates Russell Hunt and Cathy Darling. You’ll find those and more statements from candidates in the “Village Voices” section of A News Cafe — no clownin’ around.
*Shoes need not be removed before entering voting booths … Continue Reading


County Clerk Candidate Hunt: ‘No Funny Business’

The next four years will be the most critical in our nation’s history since its inception. The County Clerk’s role is primarily as supervisor of elections, though there are other responsibilities, such as issuing marriage licenses and fictitious business names.

The current County Clerk was anointed by her predecessor Ann Reed and has never faced a competitive election. She is a career bureaucrat. But I view the position as the public’s watchdog … Continue Reading


County Clerk Darling: Your Apt Guide In Election Changes

My name is Cathy Darling, and currently I am your County Clerk, elected in 2006. I am writing to ask for your support and the gift of your vote on June 8th.

I was appointed Shasta County Clerk/Registrar of Voters on September 7, 2004. Before that I served as the Assistant County Clerk/Registrar of Voters in the last fifteen months of Ann Reed’s service to the voters of Shasta County. In 2006 … Continue Reading


We Want (to hear from) You! Shasta County Primary Candidates

On 6-8-10, expect voting time again! And we want to hear from all Shasta County Primary Election candidates – both opposed and unopposed. Where are our manners? Allow us to extend a proper invitation. Dear Shasta County election hopefuls, You are cordially invited to submit a written statement for… Continue Reading