Asphalt Cowboys Serve Up Barbecue, Auction to Benefit Rodeo

The Asphalt Cowboys’ 59th Annual Barbecue is happening at Lake Redding Park on Sunday, Sept. 11, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. This is an annual event in which proceeds will benefit 2012 Rodeo Week events. Come out and enjoy… Continue Reading

Conservation Program Targets Area Rangeland

California’s grasslands, oak savannahs and low elevation foothills are often overlooked. These lands don’t provide the prime agricultural conditions that valley floors do, and they don’t offer the scenic vistas found at higher elevations. But in one way, these areas… Continue Reading


Saddle Up for Redding Rodeo Week with the Asphalt Cowboys

What: Redding Rodeo Week with the Asphalt Cowboys
When: Through May 21

Click here for a list of Asphalt Cowboys Rodeo Week events.

The Redding Asphalt Cowboys is a private organization and an official affiliate of the Redding Rodeo Association volunteering year round along with … Continue Reading

Of Pancakes And Summer Camp

I once described the Asphalt Cowboys’ annual pancake breakfast to someone from out of the area as “pancakes for 10,000 people in the middle of the street before sunrise.” That poor description earned a quizzical look, and, no, not everyone… Continue Reading


Sunday Funny: The Asphalt Cowboys Try ‘Going Rogue’

Learn more about the Asphalt Cowboys — gun-totin’, flapjack-flippin’ mascots of Redding Rodeo Week — and Friday’s annual pancake breakfast at the Cowboys’ web site or the Redding Rodeo Association’s site. At both you’ll find schedules for this year’s Rodeo Week events,… Continue Reading


‘In the Artist’s Studio’ with Mike Karns

Announcing: The winner of the 2010 Redding Rodeo Logo Competition, Michael Karns. Congratulations! What made you enter a contest for the Rodeo logo? Well, I work as the Graphic Artist for Shasta Creations and I wanted to see if my… Continue Reading