BLM, Redding Bike Club, Sponsor Kids Mountain Biking

Mountain bike riders aged 6 to 16 are invited to join the Bureau of Land Management and Redding Mountain Bike Club for a free guided bike ride on Sunday, Oct. 2, starting at 9 a.m. at the Swasey Recreation Area… Continue Reading


Finding Traction for the Redding Area’s Bicyclists

Cycling in the Redding area appears to have reached a potential coming of age. About 150 miles of paved and unpaved recreational trails invite bicyclists in the Redding area, thanks to the efforts of the Bureau of Land Management, the… Continue Reading


Big Bicycle Weekend Comes To Redding

If the second weekend in October is the Big Bike Weekend for motorcycles, then surely this coming weekend is the Big Bicycle Weekend for non-motorized two-wheelers. This Saturday, April 30, will see the 24th edition of the Lemurian Shasta Classic,… Continue Reading


Park Service Proposes Whiskeytown Road Closures

If you’ve ever spent time in the backcountry of Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, you’ve probably come across all sorts of service roads, old logging and mining roads, and features that look like they might have been roads or trails at… Continue Reading