Menu Please: Local Pizza Makes Good at Redding’s Ultimate Pizza

Back before Mary Lake was just a lake and not a subdivision, when Buenaventura was a city in Colombia, when the Benton landfill was a landfill and not a rolling landscape, there was a laundromat and little store at Placer… Continue Reading


Menu Please: Fire and Pizza at Cinders

In his 1983 book “Third Helpings,” journalist Calvin Trillin investigated the infamous Fried Chicken Wars of Crawford County, Kansas. It seems that Chicken Annie had made a name for herself in the 1930s until 1943, when Chicken Mary opened up… Continue Reading


Menuplease: Savory Spoon – the Price of Nonprofit

The phrase “tote-bag hell” was first coined during the 1970s for those interminable weeks when public television programming was interrupted every six minutes to beg the viewers to pledge money. In exchange, the pledger received a “token of appreciation” –… Continue Reading


Menuplease: Bruciante’s Stole a Pizza My Heart

Bruciante, adj, Italian, m/f. .che brucia, accesa, acceso, brillante. English:  Burning, fired, lit up, blazing, on fire. Verb, to scorch, to sear, to burn, to burn up Though there have been ovens as long as people have been cooking (any covered vessel or firepit containing… Continue Reading


Menu Please: New York Style Pizza (& More) at Redding’s Fasolini’s

Femme de Joie came late to the less-is-more approach to pizza. For years she enjoyed goopy pile-it-all-on combinations with pounds of cheese, layers of salty meats, a token mushroom to make it healthy, and thick bready crust. Heart attack on… Continue Reading