Shasta County Sheriff’s Office Presents 19th Annual Multi-Cultural Heritage Festival

The Shasta County Sheriff’s Office is proud to present the 19th Annual Multi-Cultural Heritage Festival on Saturday, February 7, 2015 at the Mt. Shasta Mall from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The Grand March begins at 11:00 AM. This event was started… Continue Reading


Mt. Shasta Mall Hosts Northern California Authors Fair

On Saturday, November 12, the Seventh Northern California Authors Fair will be held at the Mt. Shasta Mall in Redding, California from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Clustered around the Center Court, the Fair is only one of the events… Continue Reading

Shasta Food Group Summer Food Drive Runs Thursday

The Shasta Food Group will kick off its 11th annual countywide Summer Food Drive on Thursday, July 21, from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Throughout the day, Shasta Food Group will accept donations of canned food and non-perishable grocery items at the Mt. Shasta Mall from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Other drop-off sites include locations in Anderson, Shasta Lake and Burney and Fall River (see list below). All donations will go to local food pantries to help the more than 85,000 Shasta County residents who experience food shortages sometime during the year. Continue Reading

Radio Drive Works to Grant Ill Children’s Wishes

What: Annual Make-A-Wish Radiothon, hosted by Results Radio When: Thursday and Friday (March 24-25) Where: Mt. Shasta Mall, Redding Results Radio and the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Sacramento and Northeastern California (North State Advisory Board) will be in front of JCPenney’s… Continue Reading