P for Vendetta: Shasta County District 4 Supervisor Patrick Jones Strikes Out Twice in Attempt to Disqualify Judge from Gun Range Lawsuit

Considering their entire lifestyle is at stake, the Millville Plains residents suing Shasta County and District 4 Supervisor Patrick Jones over the supervisor’s proposed massive gun range project in the middle of their rural residential neighborhood aren’t asking for much.… Continue Reading


Millville Plains Residents Sue Chair Jones, Shasta County and Supervisors to Stop Gun Range Project

Millville Plains residents filed a lawsuit demanding a halt to any construction on the High Plains Shooting Sports Center until a full environmental impact report has been completed, according to a writ of mandate filed in the Shasta County Superior… Continue Reading


High Plains Grifter: Board Chair Patrick Jones, the Gun Range Project and the Peculiar Case of Schrödinger’s Pig

Head east on Highway 44 toward Lassen Peak and turn south on Millville Plains Road shortly after you pass Palo Cedro, and you might as well be in a different state. Kansas perhaps. Nebraska. Or maybe an Andrew Wyeth painting.… Continue Reading