Damning Videos Show Councilman Dacquisto Mock Homeless Shelter; Oppose Homeless Solutions

If you cannot appreciate the hilarity of poverty; if you cannot find humor in the sport of ridiculing the filthy, squalid living conditions endured by Redding’s unhoused population, then you haven’t toured a homeless encampment with Redding City Councilman Michael… Continue Reading


Unprecedented Redding City Council Race: Will Bethel & Stirring Church Members Become Council Majority?

Redding is teetering upon the unprecedented brink of being governed by a city-council majority comprised of followers of Bethel Church, The Stirring church or a combination of both. One Bethel Church elder, Julie Winter, is already on the Redding City… Continue Reading


City’s Rate Increase: A Slap in Voters’ Faces

(Editor’s note: Redding City Councilman Michael Dacquisto published the following post on his Facebook page in response to a vote taken by himself and fellow council members Tuesday night. Dacquisto gave aNewsCafe.com permission to republish his FB post here today.) … Continue Reading


Good News Rescue Mission’s Capacity Revealed!

Sometime this month, if it hasn’t happened already, Redding police may begin citing homeless people camping on public property in the city. Then again, they may not. Last September, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that… Continue Reading


Why It’s Best To Call Journalists Back

All I really wanted to know when I called the Good News Rescue Mission’s office a week-and-a-half ago was one simple thing: What, pray tell, is the Mission’s capacity? That number was important to the story I was working on,… Continue Reading