Teach a Person to Save Seed: Feed them For Life

For some reason it seems particularly appropriate to me to be talking about seed saving and cultivating community as an idea as well as an entity on the weekend of the Winter Solstice. The winter solstice marks the return of… Continue Reading


The Roots of Tomorrow from the Best Seeds of Today

On Tuesday April 23rd, 2013 I hosted a one-hour, live special edition of In a North State Garden to accompany Northstate Public Radio’s spring membership drive theme: “The Roots of Tomorrow”. My program focused on how “The Best Roots of… Continue Reading


From Seed to Table: A Seed Starting Workshop

March 18 Workshop, “From Seed to Table” will be postponed until April 22, 1:00-3:00, at the Teaching Garden (due to a storm advisory for the weekend). For more info call: 530.242.2248. Join Kalan Redwood of Redwood Seeds to learn about… Continue Reading


Planning for Fall: Growing Garlic with Kalan Redwood of Redwood Seeds

Gardening (and writing) in the heat of mid-August, it is sometimes difficult to pull my view up from the moment in order to plan for the future, but August is a good time to be planning and planting for the… Continue Reading

Saving Seeds Seasonally – an Interview with Kalan Redwood

My entire winter and early spring garden has gone to seed. The whole lot: arugula, lamb’s lettuce aka mache, beets, cabbages, bok choy, russian red kale, dinosaur kale, you name it. Well, not the carrots – we ate all of… Continue Reading