The Weight is Over – Part 13: Just Say ‘No’ to Diet Derailment

I adore train travel, and dream of the day when the United States has European-style high-speed rail. In fact, I’ve often said I’d vote for nearly anyone except Trump who could guarantee state-to-state, coast-to-coast high-speed rail. In my lifetime. No… Continue Reading


Behind-the-Curtain Changes at A News Cafe.com

Today I talk with Joseph Domke of Ostrava, Czech Republic, where he’s lived for nine years with his delightful wife Marie and my three Ragdoll grandcats, Neffie, Apollo and the new cat, whose name I always forget. Joe’s my son… Continue Reading


Doni’s Dish: Jim Gore & Joe Domke, ANC’s Dynamic Tech Duo

Doni: I’m pleased to host this Dish that features Jim Gore and Joe Domke, aNewsCafe.com’s tech team. Well, really, the team is made up of just two people, but they do as much as a whole team. Back story: I’ve been… Continue Reading