Passion Brings This Chief Back to Probation

With a career that has spanned 30-plus years, Wes Forman could retire. In fact, he had. But the 58-year-old still loves his profession, and that devotion has brought him to Redding as Shasta County’s new chief probation officer.

“I am working completely on passion right now,” Forman said during an interview in his Court Street office last week.

Forman said he was drawn to the Shasta County position … Continue Reading


You’re Invited: Family Justice Center Opens Today

The warmest, most cheerful space in the new Shasta Family Justice Center in downtown Redding is the Stagecoach Room at the east end of the main hall. So-called because Wells Fargo Bank sponsored it, the room is designed to be a safe and welcoming place for children caught in a family violence crisis. A window in one wall looks into a small adjacent room where parents can meet with a facilitator and still keep an eye on their children. Continue Reading


Photo Gallery: Election Night

Supporters came out Tuesday, Election Night, to support both candidates for Shasta County District Attorney. Those in Steve Carlton’s camp gathered at the Holiday Inn on Hilltop Drive. Jerry Benito’s party took place at Shasta BloodSource on Park Marina Drive.… Continue Reading


Sunday Funny: Meet the Candidates!

Never trust a cartoonist. Read what candidates in the 2010 primary election* have to say for themselves: Click these links for statements from Shasta County District Attorney candidates Steve Carlton and Jerry Benito, and Shasta County Clerk candidates Russell Hunt and Cathy Darling. You’ll find those and more statements from candidates in the “Village Voices” section of A News Cafe — no clownin’ around.
*Shoes need not be removed before entering voting booths … Continue Reading


DA Candidate Carlton: Benito Lost the Public’s Trust

The most powerful person in our criminal justice system is the District Attorney. Due to the great power and responsibility entrusted to the District Attorney, it is imperative for the District Attorney to possess integrity and judgment. If the District Attorney does not possess these qualities, serious problems will exist in the criminal justice system and public trust will be lost.

Shasta County has serious problems … Continue Reading


DA Benito: I’m Tough on Crime, Mindful of Money

I am proud to have served as your District Attorney for the past 7 years. With nearly 20 years of current prosecution experience in Shasta County, I am dedicated to ensuring our families are safe and protected.

I am tough on crime. My aggressive prosecution of drunk drivers helped us achieve California’s second highest DUI conviction rate (96.9%). (State of California DMV). More importantly, these efforts have saved lives … Continue Reading


Iron Chef Redding: Delicious Contest Infused Fun into Fundraising

It’s true that just one chef won the first Iron Chef Redding competition Saturday, but I hesitate to put it that way, lest it lead to the unfortunate conclusion that the remaining chefs were losers. Losers? Au contraire, my fellow foodies,… Continue Reading


Missy Has Open-Facebook Policy

It’s the wild west on Facebook, a place where even elected officials use the popular social communication outlet to share ideas, information and even political preferences. Consider this recent Facebook post by Missy McArthur, an elected member of the Redding City Council. fyi, McArthur… Continue Reading


We Want (to hear from) You! Shasta County Primary Candidates

On 6-8-10, expect voting time again! And we want to hear from all Shasta County Primary Election candidates – both opposed and unopposed. Where are our manners? Allow us to extend a proper invitation. Dear Shasta County election hopefuls, You are cordially invited to submit a written statement for… Continue Reading