Oreganos: Ornamental, Useful, Fragrant & Tough

Ahhh, despite heat and drought, these tough-as-nails beauties are in bloom again….enjoy revisiting this summer garden treat: oreganos. I’m a big believer in Beauty for its very own sake, but in a gardening life where choices must be made as… Continue Reading


The Origanums – Beautiful Cornerstones of the North State Herb Garden

I’m a big believer in Beauty for its very own sake, but in a gardening life where choices must be made as to what we will give room, resources, time and attention – it’s always nice to love a plant… Continue Reading


An Herb For Everything: Everything Herbal

Susan Tchudi is explaining to me about “adaptogenic” herbs as we walk around the herbal garden growing behind her home at TurkeyTail Farm. “Modern herbalists consider herbs help to calm or soothe the body, neither over-stimulating nor inhibiting normal body… Continue Reading


How Sweet (and Savory) it is: In the Herb Garden with Nancy Schleiger

Rich, minty, sagey and earthy pine fragrances waft around you as you walk through Nancy and David Schleiger’s 2 acre plus, close to 26 year old garden. Beneath the sheltering canopies of stately old oaks and black walnuts, native plants… Continue Reading