The Weight is Over – Week 21: Beyond the Plateau & Down She Goes

Ask who drives me the most crazy and I only need to look in the mirror. This week what drives me the most crazy about myself is when I when I proclaim a commitment without thinking things through thoroughly. Case… Continue Reading


The Weight is Over – Week 19: Lister’s List, From ‘Bingo Arms’ to the Big Picture

This week, I talked with my fitness/nutrition coach, Matthew Lister of Align Private Training in Redding, and asked a few FAQs – and by FAQs, I mean questions that frequently come to my mind. I have total confidence he’ll have all the answers. Continue Reading


Redding Recreation Offers Women’s Fitness & Adventure Club

This fall, Redding Recreation will begin a new program specifically for adult women. The Women’s Fitness and Adventure Clubs is a group for all ages and abilities. It is a place where women can feel supported, encouraged, challenged, strengthened; all… Continue Reading

Crazy With Running, Walking and Riding Events

Loyal readers of A News Café know that May is mental health month. For me and many of the people I know, nothing works better for maintaining mental health than daily exercise. And, as I always say, signing your name… Continue Reading