Fortunately: A Rich Resource for Gardeners in Times of Drought

When my children were little among the books they loved to have read to them was one entitled Fortunately, first published in 1964 and written by Remy Charlip. The story goes something like this – “Fortunately, Ned was invited to… Continue Reading


Oreganos: Ornamental, Useful, Fragrant & Tough

Ahhh, despite heat and drought, these tough-as-nails beauties are in bloom again….enjoy revisiting this summer garden treat: oreganos. I’m a big believer in Beauty for its very own sake, but in a gardening life where choices must be made as… Continue Reading


The Origanums – Beautiful Cornerstones of the North State Herb Garden

I’m a big believer in Beauty for its very own sake, but in a gardening life where choices must be made as to what we will give room, resources, time and attention – it’s always nice to love a plant… Continue Reading


Beauty to Spare – Catie & Jim Bishop’s Desert Garden in Oroville

In the winter days, I spend my daydreaming time thinking about things I might want to change about my garden, or add to my garden. With such little precipitation in the past few weeks or in the coming few weeks,… Continue Reading