Winners: Carlton, Morgan, Baugh, Darling, Regnell …

113 of 113 precincts reporting. Registered voters: 95,279; Ballots cast 36,483; Voter turnout 38.28 percent. Results are as follows: Shasta County District Attorney Race: Steve Carlton 58.33 percent “Jerry” Benito 41.41 percent Shasta County Auditor: Connie Regnell 55.40 percent Randal Faulkner… Continue Reading


Young for Supervisor: Let’s Open for Business

The focus of my campaign is threefold:
1. Jobs and economic development
2. Public Safety
3. Private property rights

I am a strong advocate of job creation and economic development. A good jobs base creates funds … Continue Reading


We Want (to hear from) You! Shasta County Primary Candidates

On 6-8-10, expect voting time again! And we want to hear from all Shasta County Primary Election candidates – both opposed and unopposed. Where are our manners? Allow us to extend a proper invitation. Dear Shasta County election hopefuls, You are cordially invited to submit a written statement for… Continue Reading