Supervisor Crye Cinches His Recall With More Lies, Retaliation, Cronyism

Does Shasta County District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye want to be recalled in the March 2024 election, or what? It sure looks that way. Your average, rational, elected official who finds himself staring down the barrel of an impending explosive… Continue Reading


Board Chair Orders African-American Veteran From Chambers, Allows N-Word Hurling Speaker to Remain

Hurled profanity. Pounded lecterns. Delivered death threats. Raised fists. Jeers. Yells. Sneers. Bullhorns. Bullying. Crude props and signs. Sarcasm. Ridicule. Hissing. Booing. Shouting. Mockery. Those words and worse describe the state of incivility and chaos found inside the Shasta County… Continue Reading