Law Enforcement Officers Provide Assistance to Students during Busy May Weekend at Shasta Lake

The weekend of May 19-21, 2017 saw the return of hundreds of college students to Shasta Lake on the Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area. Law Enforcement and Investigations Officers worked late night shifts patrolling Gooseneck Campground, where approximately 40 houseboats and… Continue Reading

Public Meeting to Discuss Oak Bottom Campground Redesign

What: Public Meeting on September 30th to Discuss the Proposed Expansion and Redesign of the Oak Bottom Campground

When: Thursday (Sept. 30), 6:30 p.m.

Where: Community Room of Redding City Hall at 777 Cypress Avenue

A public scoping meeting will be held on September 30, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. to assist the National Park Service …
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Learning To Walk … To School

I didn’t have to go uphill three miles and through the snow in both directions, but every weekday was “walk to school day” when I was a kid, So I sort of shake my head when I hear about the “training”… Continue Reading