Women on Wheels: WOW! What a Ride!

In the beginning, I rode a tricycle, my gateway bike.  I grew into a confident, fearless bicyclist who rode my blue Schwinn all over downtown Redding. I rode on sidewalks. I rode in gutters. I rode through creeks and culverts.… Continue Reading


2011 Healthy Shasta Action Heroes Announced!

On Saturday, October 1st, Healthy Shasta announced the three Action Heroes selected for 2011 at Healthy Shasta’s annual Walk This Way at Turtle Bay event. Each Action Hero is being honored for their efforts in making healthy eating and physical… Continue Reading


Mixing with Motorists: Bicycles as Transportation on Shasta County Streets

The irony is rich: Anne Wallach Thomas was planning for the next day’s monthly meeting of the Shasta Cascade Bicycle Coalition and, once again, confronting the fact that she would have to drive to the Redding meeting from her Palo… Continue Reading