Opinion: Review of the Proposed American Health Care Act and Impact on our North State

On the eve of the House Republican Plan – called the American Health Care Act, or AHCA – we will see one of the most major moves to reverse the coverage gains of the Affordable Care Act. The ACA had… Continue Reading


Open Enrollment Ended Feb. 15

Feb. 15, 2015 was the last day for open enrollment for individual health insurance. As the Southwest Airlines agent will say when giving instructions for the use of a seatbelt, “If you have been living in a cave, you might… Continue Reading


Medicare Under 65: Prepare and Be Aware!

Folks who are disabled and under age 65 are so grateful when they eventually qualify for Medicare. Unfortunately, many don’t realize that it’s important for them to investigate MediGap plans. Further, it’s very important that they think long and hard… Continue Reading


Understanding the Affordable Care Act Series: Covered California is Healthcare Plan Marketplace

So you, or someone you know, needs to sign up for health insurance. Medi-Cal isn’t available to you; you’re not on an employer plan; and you need to sign up for insurance For starts, here are the two most foremost… Continue Reading


Understanding the Affordable Care Act

The Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency is just one of many organizations that will help thousands of uninsured Shasta County residents obtain health coverage through the Affordable Care Act. The goals of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are… Continue Reading