High-Speed Internet: Is There a Better Way?

Like you, I’m excited by the possibilities that faster, widely available, affordable high-speed Internet could create for our community. Having spent seven years researching, developing and launching new telecommunications services that generated $15 million annually, and managing existing services worth… Continue Reading


Whitmore Elementary Gets Wired: California, Telecomm, Ratepayers Close Digital Divide

The fourth graders at Whitmore Union Elementary School are learning to code. Let that sink in. As adults, one of these rural eastern Shasta County kids might someday design the robot army that destroys humanity. Become the next hedge fund… Continue Reading


Indian Country Gets Wired: Karuk Tribe Brings Broadband to the Boondocks

Judging from reader response to the first installment of this series on bringing broadband Internet to rural northern California, there are a lot of folks out there not getting the Internet they need, let alone want. There are many interconnected reasons for… Continue Reading


Behind-the-Curtain Changes at A News Cafe.com

Today I talk with Joseph Domke of Ostrava, Czech Republic, where he’s lived for nine years with his delightful wife Marie and my three Ragdoll grandcats, Neffie, Apollo and the new cat, whose name I always forget. Joe’s my son… Continue Reading


5 Options for Moving Away from Windows XP

April is here and this year comes a gift even better than blooming flowers, warm weather, and birds chirping: the end of Windows XP. Today – April 8 – Microsoft will no longer be providing security or software updates for its… Continue Reading

International ‘Big Library Read’ Program Comes to Shasta Libraries

Shasta Libraries today announced that it will be taking part in the Big Library Read program that makes popular eBook and audiobook available to all customers without wait lists or holds. Library card holders will be able to borrow and enjoy the… Continue Reading

Smart Home ‘David vs. Goliath’ Inventor Seeks Clients, Industry Acceptance

Today we chat with Baran Galocy of Redding. He’s a licensed electrical contractor who worked in the solar industry for many years. His work last year on a computer-controlled LED grow light morphed into two parallel concept companies, CompuGrow and… Continue Reading


The Rise of Ransomware

Halloween is upon us! This year, however, there is something much more sinister afoot than the usual hordes of zombies, vampires, and cavities. I’m talking about ransomware, a particularly malevolent form of computer virus that can hold your personal files… Continue Reading