Suspend Politics, Prepare Best Thanksgiving Recipes, Break the Wishbone, Hope for the Best

It was a beautiful fall Sunday when I returned some items to The Home Depot. I was almost to my car when a woman I’d seen earlier inside the store with a dog on a leash ran after me and… Continue Reading


Noni Doni’s Kitchen: The Search is Over for the Very Best Sour Cream Coffee Cake

I often joke that someday, if someone wanted to test me for Alzheimer’s (of course, when I’m much, much older), skip the time-place-who’s president questions. Just ask me to recite the Sour Cream Coffee Cake recipe. Seriously, someone could wake… Continue Reading


Valentine’s Day is Friday: Wine? Check. Flowers? Check. Fondue? Check it Out

Oh, Valentine’s Day. You look so innocent – all sweetness, hearts and flowers. It’s unfortunate that such a seemingly simple day of love, friendship and affection has grown into a Godzilla-sized emotional super-power day of extremes. It can bring joy… Continue Reading