ArtHop Featured Artist – Judi Forney

“When I connect with the magic of the universe everything flows with inspiration and guidance. My paintings frequently reflect a lonely quality which I feel represents each souls individual journey through life. The style of my paintings border between surreal… Continue Reading

Featured ArtHop Artist: Photographer Gene Knabel

A description of Gene Knaebel’s show: Several years ago, Gene Knabel visited Coit Tower in San Francisco. It seemed like a good site to take photos of the central city. Much to his surprise, he found that the interior walls… Continue Reading

Featured ArtHop Artist: Musician Kyra Goldman

June’s 2nd Saturday ArtHop is a city-wide “Celebration of Music,” featuring artists and musicians together at eight ArtHop venues. This month, we’re naturally featuring a musician — solo artist Kyra Goldman, performing live at Carnegies. Kyra is joined by artist Sonya… Continue Reading


May ArtHop’s Featured Artist, Gini Holmes

Gini Holmes is a traditionally trained print maker (lithography) who has turned to more experimental means by which to create her images. Born in Long Beach, CA, Gini received her BFA from Stanford University in lithography and painting, studying under Nathan… Continue Reading


April ArtHop Featured Artist: Dean Williams

Performance and visual artist Dean Williams escaped L.A. for the mountains outside of Redding while in his late 20s. He eventually came down the mountain, where he’s been involved in the area’s theater and performance groups: Riverfront Playhouse, Westside Performing… Continue Reading